About Us

About Our Rabbitry

Rede’s Rabbitry has been raising rabbits for the DFW area since 2023. We currently raise New Zealand rabbits. Our rabbits are raised outdoors, helping them acclimate to the summer heat. We feed our rabbits fresh hay as well as a high-quality pellet. We give fresh water twice daily and consistently clean our cages to ensure a happy and healthy rabbit. Our rabbits are handled from a young age and are very friendly. 

Our rabbitry is APPOINTMENT ONLY

All rabbit purchases come with a bag of pellet to transition to your pellet and a carrying box.

We offer a discount when buying multiple rabbits. After the first rabbit each rabbit is $10 off.

About New Zealand Rabbits

New Zealand rabbits live an average of 5 to 8 years. They are considered to be a medium breed of rabbit weighing 10-12 lbs. The does (10-12 lbs) are usually larger than the bucks (9-11 lbs). New Zealand rabbits have 5 recognized colors; white, black, red, blue, and broken. These rabbits are typically considered very docile and gentle. They are virtually noiseless and make exceptional pets. 


New Zealand rabbits can become fertile at 8-12 weeks old but should only be bred after they are 5-8 months old for the safety of both parents and litter. New Zealand’s have a gestation period of around 28-35 days with the average kindle on days 31-32. A nest box should be put in the does cage 2-5 prior to her expected kindle date. New Zealand rabbits average kindle size is  6-8 but can have anywhere from 1-14!!! Baby rabbits will have their fur grow in after about 3-5 days and will open their eyes in 7-10. After about 2 weeks they will be hopping around the cage. At around 3-4 weeks the rabbits should be weaned to solid food and water.